Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Don't Be a Donkey

Let's face it. When you think of a majestic beautiful animal, you probably don't think of a donkey. Donkeys are stubborn and not overly bright. And while these are two characteristics I'd like to see you avoid, there are are two other specific types of donkeys that I want you to avoid at all cost.

Don't be an Eeyore. Remember that donkey from Winnie the Pooh? Forget about seeing the glass “half empty”, Eeyore saw it cracked, half empty, dirty and leaking. Then he would likely add a comment like “no matter, I probably wouldn’t like the taste of it anyhow.” Nobody enjoys the company of a person who is always down on life, seeing the worst in people and finding something to complain about in every situation. Be positive and up beat. You will live longer and enjoy life more – and you will be a lot more fun to be with. Smile! :)

Don't be a Donkey. Remember that donkey from Shrek? He was annoying, intrusive and obnoxious. I'm not trying to be a buzzkill...the move was funny and Donkey was a main part of that. But in real life relationships, being over bearing is not cool.

Summary: Stay positive and in control.

Stay in touch -


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