Over the next couple of days, I'll hit on some things that can ruin a relationship. Today - I want to chat about silence.
Silence is golden...until it becomes a barrier between you and your partner, particularly when you are angry.
When you are angry, if you don't manage your feelings appropriately, it can chip away at the foundation of the relationship. Men, don't give her the silent treatment as a "punishment" because she did something you didn't like.
While it is perfectly fine (and recommended) to give yourself some space when you're angry (to avoid saying something really stupid and hurtful) - it is also expected that when you return from your self prescribed time out, that you communicate how you feel. Calmly. Clearly. Quietly.
If it's "chilly" when you walk in the room - be the one to break the silence. Say "I'd really like to talk about this." If you were wrong, admit it and apologize. If she was wrong, quietly explain why it bothered you.
If you can do this and remain calm - she will see you in a more positive light.
If it escalates again, tell her that you don't want to fight and that you're willing to talk when she is. Then, give it some space. No yelling. Just find something else to do.
Break the silence again a little later.
Stay in touch -
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