Monday, January 18, 2010

Reaching Out to the Men

I was talking with friends recently about how to get men's attention on this topic. Women are very receptive to the blog and to this conversation, but I want to reach out to the guys - to help them increase the wow factor. I want to help make other men look good in their relationships.

But, during the conversation, the topic came up - is it possible to motivate men to understand why it's important to "wow" your woman? I've come up with four points (so far) - describing various reasons why men need to pay attention to this topic (and ideally, this blog).

1. Whether you realize it or not men, these things are very important to your lady. Even though you may not understand why, just please understand that being a good partner is a major part of your job description. I'm not sure that most men really understand what that entails, so - I'm here to help.

2. Making her happy, ultimately makes you happy. Maybe you've heard the saying "If mama ain't happy - ain't nobody happy." Maybe things aren't to that point yet, but if you've ever lived in a house where "mama ain't happy", trust me - it isn't a good place to be. Putting smiles on her face, will put them or yours too.

3. The alternative is expensive, emotionally draining and extremely disruptive. (See the post Men Love (Most) Stats). Going through a divorce or break-up is no day at the beach. On average, it takes a man 5 years to get on his feet financially after a divorce. Emotionally, you lose. Financially, you lose.

4. Trust me, there is no shortage of men out there (in close proximity) who are willing to give her want she wants - if you won't or can't. I would venture to say that women cheat as much (if not more) for the emotional needs (her desire to be held, romanced, wanted) as for the sexual gratification. Whatever she's missing at home, if you can't (or won't) provide it - it raises the risk of her finding it somewhere else.

Please pass this along to men that you think could benefit from reading this blog - and learning more about how to increase the WOW FACTOR, in their relationship.

Stay in touch


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