Friday, January 1, 2010

Getting Started

Happy new year, 2010.

As we head into a new year, and a new decade, it seems to be the appropriate time to kick off this project. A Few ^MORE Good Men is a new tool to help men everywhere become better in our relationships.

That means being better partners, better listeners, better communicators and even (gulp) more romantic.

I will be sharing stories with you of people that I meet or hear of - who are either doing it right - or need to do it better. I'm not here to pass judgement or to condemn. I'm simply here to provide practical tips for increasing the "wow factor" in your relationship.

I welcome your stories too. I want to hear your stories of husbands / boyfriends / lovers - whatever....good and bad. Tell me what's important to YOU in your relationship.
I'm looking forward to sharing information that will help us, men, be better partners.

One of the things you will learn about me is that I love movies and music. I will quote movies and songs very often in this blog. My first quote is from the movie Hancock, when he says "You deserve better from me. I can be better. I will be better." That, my new friends, is what this blog is all about. Being better.

And so, it begins.


  1. sandra Patry1/03/2010 10:09 AM

    Hey mark.Well done.Good topic.i like it and maybe there will be a few husbands I can share it with.Not mine of course as he is as close to perfect that I will ever get.

  2. It is true that husbands/partners/boyfriends, etc. need to not just listen but watch for signs it is also necessary to initiate conversation. Initiating conversation may not be topics that you want to discuss but these things need to be talked about. Ultimately, you may end up asking questions you really don't want hear the answer to. But you have to work together.
    Participating in your partner's interests outside of the marriage itself is also important. She should be given encouragment to pursue interests and further her selfworth. Just a bit of insight. The reverse by her is just as important.

  3. I've had a look at several posts, and I probably disagree with your angle in most, so I'll put my comment here.

    My wife and I have been married for more than 20 years, and we love each other more and more as each year passes. Neither of us buys into this romance rubbish. We share lots of simple pleasures together, we learn from each other, we poke fun at each other incessantly and we haven't had an argument in years. And we support each other in our individual endeavours. Mutual compatibility is the key, and being sensitive to each other's moods.
