Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Men Love (Most) Stats

I think that one of the things that we love most about sports is stats. In this past weekend's NFC Wild Card Game, Kurt Warner was 29 for 33, for 379 yards and five touchdowns. That's sick. And we love to watch the numbers.

Major League Baseball keeps incredible statistics. Teams know how each batter performs against specific pitchers, even under certain conditions like balls/strikes and men on base. Incredible!

But here's a stat most men don't care for:
According to a recent US Census Bureau report, 56.2% of custodial fathers were either separated or divorced. And in a recent year, 7.8 million Americans paid about $40 billion in child and/or spousal support (84% of the payers were male).

I did the math. Men paid over $33 BILLION in child / spousal support in just ONE YEAR!

So, if you feel like all of this “relationship stuff” is just nagging from women who “don’t understand you”, then look at the hard facts of the matter. More than half of us are divorced and we are paying the equivalent of the Gross National Product of Slovenia (ranked number 64 among the world’s countries).

There are two cold hard facts here. If you don't love your wife/partner the way she needs:
a) There is somebody else out there who would be happy to do it for you,
b) It's very likely to cost you in the end.

Your relationship demands your attention. Failure to work at it, is like taking a knife to a gun fight. You're going to lose.

Stay in touch -


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