Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why Aren't You Having Sex?

This week's blog has been all about sex. It reminds me of a Rodney Dangerfield line: "Sex, sex, sex - everywhere you turn it's sex, sex, sex. I've had it. Not lately though."

So - why not?

The statistics we shared say that on average people are doing it approximately 2 to 4 times a week for ideally around 10 to 13 minutes (of actual intercourse time). If you are in a relationship and you aren't in this range, what's up? Here are a few common reasons people aren't wearing out the sheets:

1. You're too busy / tired. I get it. Life sometimes gets hectic. Between the kids, the job, soccer, hockey, dance, swimming, gymnastics, going to the gym, cleaning, you name it - you simply don't have the energy for fun in the sack. By the end of the day you're beat. So, shoot for earlier in the day, when you still have some energy. Try to work your schedule around sex for a little while. Plan some time for you, it's really important.

2. You don't like your body. Many woman (and men too if we would admit it) will withdrawal sexually if they feel uncomfortable naked. What they don't understand is, as guys - it doesn't bother us. We need to work hard to make sure they understand that they don't have to look like a super model to be hot.

3. Your bed isn't "sexy". Beds used to be for sex and sleeping. Now we bring our laptops to bed, our PDA's and it's just an extension of the office or the rest of the house. Make the bed a demilitarized zone, keep it for just the two of you.

4. Problems in the relationship. I know a guy who was married almost 20 years. His last year of marriage, he and his wife has sex ONCE in that entire year. If you're constantly being turned down in bed, you may need to find out what the underlying problem is. It could be she's getting it somewhere else or is now really turned off by the idea of getting with you. Find out why.

There are lots of other reasons why people don't have sex as often as they used to. Let's focus on making the most of our opportunities, and doing it well.

Stay in touch -


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