Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dealing with Her Self-Consciousness

Yesterday we heard from Alyssa Milano that all women are self-conscious at one point or another. And we reviewed some of the signs that you can pick up on that will identify when those moments have arrived. Today I'll give you some tips on how to respond.

First, don't get irritated with her. Think about it. Do you think that she REALLY wants to be stressing over what to wear or how she looks? She's not doing this on purpose, so cut her some slack.

Next, if you're asked one of the dreaded questions - don't panic. Here's what to do. Be honest. (No, not "I don't give a crap, just pick something" honest). Let's review:

Potential question: "Does this make me look fat?",
Your response needs to be honest AND not offensive. IF what she's wearing DOES INDEED make her look somehow less attractive, you need to let her know. You can't say "wow your butt is huge in those jeans". But you can say, "it isn't as good of a look as the other thing you were wearing", or "it isn't really very flattering". There may be a brief period of discomfort, but if you're not a jerk about saying it, she'll appreciate the honesty.

Potential question: "Which shoes should I wear?"
Good answer: "they both look great to me, but I really like these".

Potential question: "Does this look alright?"
If it looks alright, tell her how great she looks. If you've told her previously that something doesn't look good on her, you'll have credibility now. Remember if ever answer is an uninterested "you look fine", you'll have no street cred at this point.

Important tip: Try not to tie being late to telling her she looks good. She'll think you're only saying she looks good to get her out the door. Again, credibility.

That should help.

Stay in touch -


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