Thursday, October 28, 2010

Good Sex

Our sex week continues...

We've talked about frequency and duration of sex - now let's talk about quality.
Sex is like tennis. It's a lot more fun when both people playing are at the same skill level.

In simple terms, sex is good when both people are satisfied. It's not just about you guys, it's about pleasing her and letter her please you. Here are 5 ways to improve your sex life:

1. Communicate. Talk to each other about what makes you hot, and what you don't like. Talk about how long it lasts, what you do, where you do it and how you do it. Talk about it between times when you're having sex and during sex. Cue the music: Let's Talk About Sex. Hint: Don't talk about sex right after sex. This isn't a performance review.

2. Give yourself time. When you're having sex, don't rush. You don't have to jump right to it. Explore, massage, kiss. Foreplay is like Nike - Just Do It.

3. Add some variety. Don't always do the same things, in the same order. Change it up a little. Have one session where it's everything but intercourse. Try some new positions, toys, etc.

4. Exercise. Your overall physical stamina will impact your stamina in the bedroom.

5. Cut loose. Use fantasies or "talking dirty" so that sometimes it's just raunchy sex. But then understand guys, sometimes you are making love, sometimes you are having sex and THERE IS A DIFFERENCE.

I hope this helps.

Stay in touch -


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