Ok, this is like sneaking into the other team's locker room and reading their play book. This is good information.
In a recent sex survey of only women - here's what they said:
Good Sex is based on frequency:
56% of women, said couples with a healthy sex life should be having sex a few times a week. 20% said once a week.
Good Sex is based on duration:
39% said 15-29 minutes would suffice and 19% suggested 30-44 minutes.
Good Sex is based on....Good Sex (Regardless of how often or how long)
"The real motor of female sexuality is closeness and connection," one person offered. "Even though I'm not orgasmic during intercourse, I'm still satisfied if there's a closeness and connection."
Another responded "I like a man who takes his time with foreplay and puts you in the right mood."
30% of women preferred their lovemaking to be "slow and sensual," compared to 4% that liked it rough.
"I like when he initiates and it's out of nowhere, not rushed. When he makes me feel pretty and special at that moment."
You've seen their play book. Now, let's go win the game.
Stay in touch -
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