“Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.” ~ Wayne Dyer
Here's something for certain: You cannot change the past. You can work to repair damage and you can change your patterns and behaviors to avoid repeating the past. But that event - it happened. Ok, let's more on and build from here.
But people who live in the past find it impossible to move forward. This can impact a relationship in a number of ways. If one of you compares this relationship to previous ones for example. If you have an ex that reacted a certain way to stress, that doesn't mean your current partner will. If an ex burned you with a certain behavior, you can't carry that into this relationship by expecting the same outcome. This relationship is different, so let it be free from past mistakes.
Another trouble area is bringing up past mistakes from this relationship. I know of a couple who got divorced after being married for about 2 years, because "he yelled at me and made me cry on our honeymoon, and I never got over it." Really?
The past is the past, let's let it rest.
Stay in touch -
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