You're past the point of casual hook ups. Your relationship is past the having sex like rabbits stage. You are in a mature relationship and you have responsibilities. Life is busy. There's work, the kids, the house, social events, and plenty of other demands on your time. When is there time for sex?
So the question today is - should we schedule time for sex? Don't get me wrong. If you're in a routine where it's "on" every Sunday afternoon or something like that - stick with it. What I'm talking about is a little different.
Let's say a couple wants to have sex 3 times a week. Should they schedule it on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10:00, and hope for one other time during the week?
There are ups and downs to this approach (if you pardon the pun). The positive view is that you are setting aside time to be intimate and that's important. The negative view is that there is plenty of room for disappointment. What if you're tired or not in the mood? Will you do it anyway? Is that even right? I mean, obligatory sex sucks, and not in a good way.
I think it's great to schedule a date, go out, have some adult time, come home, send the baby sitter home and get busy. I highly advocate doing this. Setting aside time to spend together is very important. But scheduling sex, I'd be careful.
Stay in touch -
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