Kids, bills, debt, work, repairs. You're tired. And just when you think you need a break, it seems to get worse. Life is definitely like that.
Coaches will tell you that when athletes get tired they lose their form and have to be reminded to use their legs, bend their knees or move their feet. As the stress of the game increases, we need reminders to stay focused.
It's the same in life. When the bills pile up and the collectors are calling, when the kids are crying or someone gets hurt, or a window breaks on the coldest day of the year, you (and your wife) feel like you're going to snap.
I don't want to add one more thing to your list, but let me be the coach reminding you of your form.
a) work together not apart
b) lean on each other for support
c) encourage each other
Together you can get through the difficulties of life. You married each other for a reason. Stand strong together. Work as a team, and keep each other's needs in mind.
Stay in touch -
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