Monday, November 8, 2010

Say it With Words

We've talked in the past how differently men and women communicate. Our communication styles differ as much as our decorating abilities. But clear, concise communication works, particularly when it comes to expressing your feelings.

This works for both of you. It works for you because you don't have to get into a long elaborate discussion about your feelings and emotions. That's not what this is about.

It works for her because she hears words of affection, respect and appreciation from you, in easy to understand language.

The secret? Keep it short and say what you mean. To start, let's focus on three key areas:

1. Appreciation. Simple words of gratitude. "Hey thanks for helping me with the yard work, I liked having you there." "Wow, what a great meal." "Thanks for picking up my (whatever), that really saved me a bunch of time."

2. Affection. Tell her you love her. "I'm so glad you're my wife." "How did I ever get to be so lucky?" And simplest and best of all, "I love you."

3. Respect. Make sure she understands that you respect her thoughts and opinions. "That's a good thought, I hadn't thought of it that way before." "Good idea." "You're right."

Some of you will have trouble with the last one.

What we're after here is an increase in positive communication. It stimulates the relationship. So tell her how you fell. Use words to do it.

Stay in touch -


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