Here are some quick facts about prostate cancer that every guy needs to know -
It's the 2nd most common form of cancer in men (behind skin cancer).
Men over 50 are most at risk. Other risk factors include high fat diets and being over weight.
Regular screening will help catch it early, which is critical. If you have family history of cancer, you should be getting checked at least every 5 years, but check with your doctor. They'll either do the PSA blood test or the digital rectal exam (which has nothing to do with numbers as I found out).
Men often don't experience symptoms with early prostate cancers. Some later symptoms might include:
* A need to urinate often
* Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine
* Inability to urinate
* Weak or interrupted flow of urine
* Painful or burning ejaculation
* Blood in urine or semen
* Frequent pain or stiffness in lower back, hips, or upper thighs
Here's some good news - sex can actually help deter prostate cancer. "Honey, I know we just did it yesterday, but I'm trying to stay healthy." Yeah, good luck with that one.
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