Bad news guys: A recent study by the Kinsey Institute reveals that 85% of men think their partner had an orgasm the last time they had sex, but only 64% of women say they actually did.
Other studies say that 80% of women fake it at least some of the time.
Ever wonder why?
There are a few reasons - and they're not all terribly bad.
1. She's trying, but just can't get there. For a number of reasons, some may not even be related to you.
2. She's just tired. Sorry, maybe tonight she's willing to let you have some fun, but is too tired to reach the top.
3. She's having sex so you don't feel rejected or angry and wasn't really interested in sex to begin with.
4. Maybe you're not doing something right. In this case, y'all need to chat.
5. She feels like she is taking too long, and is wearing you out - so she "finishes" so you can.
6. Your sex sucks. Ok, that one...that was terribly bad.
I could go on and on with this list. The bottom line is this - it isn't always bad that she fakes it. Don't get put out. But if she's not being taken care of on a regular basis, you do need to fix what's wrong.
Stay in touch -
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