I don't want to spend too much more time on this, so let's wrap it up today with this thought:
Everyone has certain things that drive them batty. And if you spend enough time with someone, you are bound to get on their nerves at some point.
Many (maybe most) women get ticked when men leave the toilet seat up. For others it's the inability of their man to actually put dirty clothes in the hamper. These are hardly relationship enders and if this is the biggest problem in your relationship - then you're doing well.
But here's why I've spent the past few days harping on pet peeves. Continually irritating your partner will lead to respect issues, compatibility problems and a sense of not wanting to be together. If the irritations are major character issues, the tolerance for this behavior will be much shorter than for leaving the toilet seat up.
Here's your homework:
1. If you don't know already, pay close attention and learn which of your behaviors drive her nuts.
2. Work to eliminate those actions and behaviors, giving priority to character flaws (lying, cheating, nagging, temper, etc). Second priority would be to hygiene and cleanliness issues, followed by general irritating behavior - like talking with your mouth full, or the toilet seat thing if that's a problem for you.
Work on being someone others enjoy being around. The benefits are amazing.
Stay in touch -
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