Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Your Cheating Heart x 2

Yesterday in "Relationship Killers" we talked about how cheating is the biggest thing that many couples find it difficult to move past. And since we talk about sex on Wednesday, I thought I'd share 2 cheating stories. One I witnessed (not because I was involved, just people I knew at the time) and one I read about.

Let's start with 2, no make that 3 people. Let's call them Kevin, Lisa and Diane just for shiggles. Kevin and Lisa were engaged. I was in the wedding. About 4 months before the wedding Kevin met Diane on a prolonged and repetitive business trip.
They hit it off and soon did much more than hit it off. While Kevin was planning his wedding with Lisa, he was doing the nasty with Diane. About 2 weeks before the wedding, Kevin and Diane stopped - I mean after all, it's the decent thing to do.
Kevin let Lisa's family throw a huge wedding and he and Lisa went off on an extravagant honeymoon. Literally 3 months after the wedding, I ran into Kevin in this same little town where he met Diane. He was back. What about Lisa? "Oh" he says, "that didn't work out." DIDN'T WORK OUT? It's been 3 months? Of course it didn't work out you idiot, you're banging Diane. It's ok though, because Kevin told me that Lisa was a "nice girl", it just wasn't going to work between the 2 of them.

The 2nd story takes place 60 years ago, give or take. Frank Sinatra attended someone's wedding (according to his biography "Sinatra") and got along very well with the bride. So well in fact, she and Frank disappeared. She didn't return to her new husband until 5AM the next morning after spending her wedding night hearing Ole Blue Eyes sing "All of me, why not take all of me." No word on how long her marriage lasted.

Cheating. Not a good idea.

Stay in touch -


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