Monday, March 15, 2010

Build Up, Don't Tear Down

Living in an environment where you are building each other up sets a positive tone for the entire relationship. Would you rather live in a home where grace out muscled grudge, where mistakes weren’t fatal and forgiveness was freely given, or in a home where every flaw was magnified and every mistake broadcast for the world to see? The answer is obvious, or - at least it should be.

Balance tip: Is it fair for one of you to live in a house of grace and forgiveness while the other carries a burden of guilt, pressure, constant reminders of every wrong ever committed? Of course not.

Instead of being critical and harsh, speak words of love. Since when did it become your job to correct her when she says or does something wrong? Instead of finding fault for the one or two things she did wrong, give credit for the hundreds of things she does well. Remember, you are BOTH flawed. Neither of you is perfect.

It is a good practice to picture yourself back in the day when you first started your relationship. Would you have been critical and torn her down on your first few dates if she said something wrong? If you had, there’s a good chance that you wouldn’t have gotten very far with the relationship. Have that same level of consideration now.

Stay in touch -


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