Friday, February 26, 2010

Sweet Guy

I think that when women talk about wanting a sweet guy, they're looking for someone who is thoughtful and considerate. Someone who takes their feelings, needs and priorities into consideration.

What is doesn't mean is being a sissified, push over. So don't start ripping up your man card just yet.

Being thoughtful and considerate can take many forms:
- Remembering special dates
- Picking up something you know she needs
- Helping without being asked
- Picking up a card or flowers for no particular reason
- Offering a back rub or foot massage out of the blue

This list can go on and on and on. A sweet guy thinks about what is important to his partner then acts on it.

Here's a tangible example. It snowed last night. A lot. My wife needed to drive to work this morning so I went out early and did the driveway and brushed off her car. Big deal, no medals required. My point is this. When I brush off my car, I clear the windshield and windows and drive off. When she clears the car, she brushes all the snow off the hood and top so that the entire car is free from snow. To me, that will all blow off as I go down the road - but whatever. But when I do her car, I do it how she would do it. That's being thoughtful.

Stay in touch -


1 comment:

  1. I agree it is those little “extra” thoughtful things that make a lot of difference in a relationship. Women have a tendency to notice and do those little things, having his favourite shirt ready, knowing what his favourite meal is, his likes and dislikes, how he likes a certain thing done a certain way. Men don’t often even notice that they are happening and they get taken for granted, and that’s fine, women don’t do the those little things to be recognized for them all the time, they get done because it is a small gesture to show we know and enjoy looking after our partners.
    But, when the little things are done for us, it really makes us feel special and that we are loved and cared for. We love the fact that you noticed and took the time.
    It is when men don’t notice at all, and don’t do any of the little things, for some couples, that can slowly whittle away at a relationship, and the feeling of being taken for granted can build up when other things aren’t going as smoothly as they used to.
    It is never one thing that breaks the relationship, the connection, it is a multitude of different things that build up and build up to create a mountain of bad feelings and experiences. If nothing is done to reduce the mountain, then the cracks begin to show and in the end the mountain becomes an exploding volcano, which is more difficult to control. Keep that mountain and little grassy hill don’t let it develop into anything larger, keep picking up the rocks and carrying them away by doing the simple little things, those little things makes everyone feel cared and loved.
    Thank You Mark as always.

